PRIMOTEX - BIOSIRA is a premium Methenolone Enanthate product renowned for its pharmaceutical-grade quality. Ideal for both cutting and bulking cycles, PRIMOTEX promotes lean muscle gains, enhances muscle definition, and minimizes estrogenic side effects. Experience superior results with PRIMOTEX.
105.00 €

PRIMOTEX – BIOSIRA is a reputable brand known for its high-quality steroid products. It contains Methenolone Enanthate, a popular anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Methenolone Enanthate is valued for its mild nature and relatively low androgenic activity, making it suitable for both cutting and bulking cycles.

Key Features of PRIMOTEX – BIOSIRA:

  • Pharmaceutical-grade Methenolone Enanthate
  • Long-acting ester for sustained release
  • Promotes lean muscle mass gains
  • Enhances nitrogen retention and protein synthesis
  • Minimal estrogenic side effects
  • Improves muscle hardness and definition
  • Low risk of androgenic side effects
  • Safe for use by men and women

Benefits of Using PRIMOTEX – BIOSIRA:

PRIMOTEX offers numerous benefits to bodybuilders and athletes seeking quality muscle gains and improved performance:

  • Supports steady muscle growth without excess water retention
  • Helps in achieving a lean and ripped physique
  • Enhances strength and endurance
  • Promotes fat loss while preserving muscle mass
  • Reduces recovery time between workouts
  • Minimizes the risk of estrogen-related side effects

Usage Instructions:

To maximize the benefits of PRIMOTEX, it is recommended to follow a proper dosage and cycle protocol as advised by a healthcare professional or experienced user. Typical dosages range from 400 to 800 mg per week for men and 50 to 100 mg per week for women, administered via intramuscular injection.


PRIMOTEX – BIOSIRA is a reliable choice for individuals looking to enhance their physique and performance. With its potent yet mild effects, PRIMOTEX offers users the opportunity to achieve their fitness goals safely and effectively.