EPISTANE Swiss Pharmaceuticals – 80caps

EPISTANE Swiss Pharmaceuticals - 80caps

EPISTANE Swiss Pharmaceuticals – 80caps

EPISTANE Swiss Pharmaceuticals – 80caps
Epistane, a product developed by Swiss Pharmaceuticals, is a well-known and widely-used prohormone that has gained popularity in the world of fitness and bodybuilding. Epistane, also known as 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol, is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and is classified as a designer steroid. This compound has anabolic properties, making it a popular choice among athletes and bodybuilders looking to enhance their performance, muscle mass, and physique.
48.90 €
EPISTANE Swiss Pharmaceuticals - 80caps

EPISTANE Swiss Pharmaceuticals – 80caps

Epistane, a product developed by Swiss Pharmaceuticals, is a well-known and widely-used prohormone that has gained popularity in the world of fitness and bodybuilding. Epistane, also known as 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol, is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and is classified as a designer steroid. This compound has anabolic properties, making it a popular choice among athletes and bodybuilders looking to enhance their performance, muscle mass, and physique.

 Dosage/Recommended Use

Epistane should be used with caution and according to the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure safety and effectiveness. The typical dosage for Epistane ranges from 20 to 40 milligrams per day, although some experienced users may go as high as 60 milligrams. It is essential to start with the lowest effective dose and gradually increase it to find the optimal dosage for your specific goals and tolerance level.

The recommended cycle length for Epistane is typically 4 to 6 weeks, followed by a post-cycle therapy (PCT) to help your body recover its natural hormonal balance.


Epistane is the active ingredient in this product, and it is a methylated prohormone that can convert to the active steroid, 17α-methyl-5α-dihydrotestosterone (Mebolazine), in the body. This compound has a strong affinity for androgen receptors, which means it can promote muscle growth, enhance strength, and improve overall athletic performance.

 Benefits of Epistane

a) Muscle Growth
One of the primary reasons athletes and bodybuilders use Epistane is its ability to stimulate muscle growth. It increases protein synthesis, which results in the development of lean muscle mass.

b) Strength Gains
Epistane can significantly improve strength levels, making it a valuable tool for those aiming to lift heavier weights and achieve greater physical performance.

c) Fat Loss
Epistane can help with fat loss by increasing metabolic rate and promoting a leaner, more defined physique.

d) Enhanced Vascularity
Users have reported improved vascularity, giving muscles a more vascular and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

5) Safety and Side Effects

Like many prohormones and steroids, Epistane is not without potential side effects. Some common side effects may include:

  • Liver stress: Epistane is methylated, which means it can place stress on the liver. To mitigate this, it’s crucial to use liver support supplements during the cycle and practice responsible dosing.
  • Hormonal imbalance: Epistane can suppress natural testosterone production, which is why post-cycle therapy (PCT) is essential to restore hormonal balance after a cycle.
  • Cardiovascular risks: There is some evidence to suggest that Epistane can affect lipid profiles and increase cardiovascular risks, so regular health monitoring is advisable.

 Choosing the Right Epistane Product

When selecting an Epistane product, it is vital to opt for reputable and trusted brands like Swiss Pharmaceuticals to ensure product quality and safety. Always follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any prohormone or steroid cycle.

 Other Ingredients

Swiss Pharmaceuticals’ Epistane product typically contains the active ingredient, Epistane, as well as inert ingredients such as binding agents, fillers, and capsules. It is essential to review the product label for a complete list of ingredients to ensure there are no potential allergens or substances that you wish to avoid.

8) Conclusion

Epistane by Swiss Pharmaceuticals is a potent prohormone that has been used by athletes and bodybuilders for its potential to enhance muscle growth, strength, and fat loss. However, its use should be approached with caution, and individuals considering an Epistane cycle should be aware of the associated risks and side effects.

To maximize the benefits and minimize the potential drawbacks, it’s crucial to use Epistane as directed, with a proper PCT, and under the guidance of a knowledgeable healthcare professional. Swiss Pharmaceuticals’ commitment to quality ensures a reliable product source, but users must always prioritize their health and safety throughout their fitness journey.